FFG Marvel Champions and games

FFG Streamlines Rules for Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Marvel Champions: The Card Game has been one of the fastest-growing Living Card Games released by Final Fantasy Games. Now, the iconic game which has spawned dozens of worthwhile expansions, is going to have its gameplay streamlined. Detailing the changes in a blog post, lead designer Tony Fanchi tried to address some of the concerns that the community has kept...
The sabia bird, symbol fo the latest Null Signal Netrunner set.

Netrunner Introduces New Narrative Cycle Featuring a Robotic Uprising

Netrunner, the acclaimed collectible card game originally released by Final Fantasy Games, has announced a new set for the title. Set in futuristic Brazil and focusing on a robot uprising, the plot of the new game cycle and the set will see various automa and robotic beings engage in a freedom movement following a new law that seeks to...
Star Wars Unlimited cards preview.

FFG Teases Star Wars First Set, Spark of Rebellion

Fantasy Flight Games is determined to make Star Wars: Unlimited, the company’s upcoming and brand-new trading card game, work. The company is also keen to share with fans a first look at the cards, texts, and generally what to expect from the new game. The new card game is an attempt to take on the fast-expanding – and increasingly profitable...
Ares Games' War of the Ring: Against the Shadow

Ares Games Announces War of the Ring Expansion Against the Shadow

Ares Games has announced the arrival date for “Against the Shadow,” the company’s first expansion for the recently released War of the Ring: The Card Game. The new extension to the base game will hit retail shelves in September 2023, and it will include both a cooperative as well as a solo mode, to allow players to elevate their...
FFG's new Hero Pack for Marvel Champions, Angel.

FFG Confirms Angel Hero Pack for Marvel Champions

Fantasy Flight Games Living Card Game Marvel Champions has just got a little bigger, with the company confirming the arrival of the Angel Hero Pack for the popular card game. The new addition, as the name suggests, focuses on an X-Men character, Angel, who comes with a pre-built deck.  Angel adds an innovative twist to the available Marvel Champions expansions, as it’s effectively a three-sided...
Ghost Galaxy's Keyforge art.

KeyForge Wants to Make Entry for New Players Easier

Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) have been known for a few missteps. The way KeyForge ended under the company’s stewardship is definitely one of the less flattering stories to recall. In any event, Ghost Galaxy Games has acquired the game from FFG preparing for an official release after a very successful campaign that raised $1.1 million from 6,172 backers. Now, one...
Monster Channel's new TCG Animal Kingdom.

Monster Channel Launches Successful Animal Kingdom TCG Crowdfunding

A new trading card game is coming, as it is apparently the season. Animal Kingdom TCG is a new game by Monster Channel, which has launched an ambitious $25,000 Kickstarter campaign that ended up raising the money in 40 minutes and currently sits at more than $50,000 in total funding by over 150 backers. Animal Kingdom TCG Seeks to Add Freshness to the Genre  Monster Channel outlies...
Valve's Steam digital marketplace logo.

Magic: The Gathering Coming to Steam on May 23

Magic: The Gathering’s digital client will be part of Steam’s library of games, making the MTG Arena platform more accessible to players. A launch is set for May 23, offering users in one of the biggest digital marketplaces a chance to glance upon the world’s leading trading card game. Boosting MTG: Arena’s Visibility via Steam This will hopefully lead to a...
FFG's upcoming TCG Star Wars: Unlimeted

FFG and Lucasfilm Announce New TCG Star Wars Game

Lucasfilm and Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) have teamed up for a new trading card game set in the Star Wars universe. Star Wars: Unlimited is due to arrive in 2024, and the companies are determined to take a bite out of the TCG market pie, as they put it.  FFG Wants a Bite out of the TCG Pie with Star...
Pikachu Trainer No.3 sells for $300,000

Rare Pikachu Card Sells for Whopping $300,000

It is no secret there are insane prices in the world of trading card games - from Yu-Gi-Oh to Magic the Gathering, to Pokémon. The Pokémon craze experienced a resurgence throughout 2022, and while things have somewhat calmed down in 2023, the franchise's rarest cards are selling for massive amounts of money. On April 21, 2023, a very specific...