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Tag: Games Workshop

Warhammer 10th edition Space Marines

Chaos Is Unleashed With the Chaos Space Marines Faction Focus

Games Workshop has recently revealed their latest Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus, dedicated to one of my personal favorite factions - the Chaos Space Marines. Anything Chaos-related brings a sparkle of joy to my eye, and now with this Faction Focus' reveals - there is also exciting ecstasy in the air. Let's dive in a little deeper and see what...
Combat Patrol: World Eaters

Combat Patrol: World Eaters Finally Comes Into Preorder

Games Workshop has finally confirmed that Combat Patrol: World Eaters is finally coming to pre-order, further adding to the ever-expanding list of Combat Patrol box sets. After being unexpectedly delayed due to undisclosed reasons, the much-anticipated box set is sure to please any blood-crazed follower of Khorne (hopefully, just on the tabletop). World Eaters will contain a bunch of...
Games Workshop Combat Patrols' full list.

Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol Boxes

Getting started with Warhammer 40,000 can be a daunting task when you first take a look at the hobby. There are so many miniatures, rules, and dyes to assemble, study, and use. It can frankly feel overwhelming. For a while now, Games Workshop, the publisher of the game, has worked on Combat Patrols, which usually consist of enough miniatures...
Warhammer Lost Relics

Games Workshop Introduces Three New Warhammer Games

The general thought of tabletop Warhammer is that you must spend hundreds of dollars on miniatures, then hundreds of hours painting them, and dozens of hours learning complicated codexes, only to spend a couple of hours on a weekend rolling dice and moving said miniatures on a tabletop. And while some people really do take this path, there are...
Warhammer Underworlds

Warhammer Underworlds Warbands

Warhammer Underworlds is one of the best games set in the Age of Sigmar universe, and the fantasy cannon of the Warhammer universe. With dozens of warbands over the past several years, there are many factions you may want to explore. This is why we bring you a quick overview of all Warhammer Underworlds warbands and what to expect...
Warhammer 40K, Space Marines vs Necrons

New Warhammer 10th Edition Rules Change How Leaders Will Affect Squads

The 10th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 continues to shake the game's foundations to their very core, further enforcing a much-needed concept we already covered - "simplified, not simple." And continuing with that trend, Games Workshop has provided further clarity on how that concept will affect Leaders and Squads. Aura Stacking and Overbuffiing Are a Thing of the Past In their latest...
Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gets Undeads, Vanguard: Soulblight Gravelords

Move over, Spooktober, Wraithpril is now the scariest month of the year! This year's April 8, Games Workshop's Warhammer Age of Sigmar will put another undead boxed set into pre-order - Vanguard: Soulblight Gravelords. We already covered theĀ other debuting undead faction, the Ossiarch Bonereapers, who will also be in pre-order on April 8, 2023. Brace Yourself, the Undead Are Coming...
The Vault of Temenos, Necromunda.

New Miniatures for Warhammer 40K and Lord of the Rings Are Inbound

In a recent announcement, Games Workshop revealed several pre-orders, which included new Boarding Patrol sets, new Necromunda lore and models associated with the next chapter of the Aranthian Succession, and the new line of Lord of the Rings models. With the much-anticipated arrival of Warhammer's 10th Edition, it was not surprising that the Boarding Patrol sets got the most attention,...
League of Votann and Imperial Agents Boarding Patrol box sets.

Leagues of Votann, Imperial Agents Are Last Two Boarding Patrol Sets

Games Workshop continues to give the people what they want - more miniatures, more content, and more Boarding Patrol Boxes. The interest in Boarding Patrols has been very high, and Games Workshop has been steadily stoking the fire. The past few months have brought us constant Boarding Patrol reveals, but the time has finally come to close the reveal season...
Ossiarch Bonereapers

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Introduces a New Undead Faction

Nagash's Ossiarch Bonereapers, one of the most terrifying martial forces in the mortal realms are coming to the tabletop, hitting pre-order on April 8, 2023. New Faction - New Battletome - New Surprises The first in the line of the new Ossiarch Bonereapers releases begin with Battletome: Ossiarch Bonereapers. Locked inside are updated rules, war scrolls, and new Path to Glory...