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Tag: Games Workshop

Games Workshop 40K books.

Games Workshop Releases Warhammer Audiobook Recommendations

Games Workshop has published a list of audiobooks to add to your playlist and listen to while sorting out your most recent army additions, or, if you have been lucky enough, Leviathan Box. All of the books listed by Games Workshop can be listened to for free providing you have an Audible account, or if you absolutely insist on adding...
Games Workshop core rule book tenth edition.

Games Workshop Releases 280-Page Core Book for Warhammer 40,000 and More

The 10th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 is shaking the very foundation of its universe day by day with new content releases, rules, and impactful changes to gameplay. And in celebration of the new Edition and its rules, Games Workshop have revealed a massive 280-page long Core Book, focusing on the more recent changes of Warhammer 40,000, detailed faction focus...
Two Warhammer 40K armies fighting with marines on one side.

Games Workshop Expects to See Revenue Hit $560M

Games Workshop is caught in the midst of excitement as the company’s signature game, Warhammer 40,000, is launching its 10th season. This is happening as the manufacturer has reported mounting sales, with Games Workshop confirming that it expects its full-year revenue to hit £440 ($560m), up from £387 million last year. Closing a Strong Year Despite Some Performance Shortcomings The 10th...
Warhammer 40K miniatures.

Warhammer 40,000 Core Rules Book Leaked Online

With the upcoming release of Warhammer 40,000’s 10th Edition, which was announced for June 2023, the internet is buzzing more than ever before. And as the “simplified, not simple” times loom ever closer, it was only a matter of time before the leaks started appearing. It’s important to note, however, that while we’re about to cover a major one,...
Royal Mail's Warhammer post stamps.

Warhammer Celebrates 40th Anniversary with Royal Mail Stamps

There are fewer better ways to determine the significance of a product and its cultural importance than seeing your favorite tabletop miniatures games arrive on two-pound stamps by the Royal Mail. Now, the Royal Mail is releasing the commemorative stamps to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the game which was introduced by Games Workshop in 1983 and has become...
Games Workshop Warhammer Underworlds New Starter Set 2023

Warhammer Underworlds Reveals New Starter Set

Warhammer Underworlds has been going on for six years now with the first game released back in 2017. The time has come for a new Starter Set that is introducing new players to the game and offers them the opportunity to engage in what the company has touted as one of its best skirmish games set in the Age of Sigmar...
Games Workshop's Space Marines board game.

Games Workshop Reveals Space Marines: The Board Game

Space Marines are the poster boys of the Imperium of Man. They have two hearts, three lungs, and unflinching loyalty to the God Emperor himself. They are now going to be a part of a new board game. The board game we are talking about is Space Marines: The Board Game, and yes, this is in itself based on the...
Warhammer Underworlds

Warhammer Underworlds New Starter Set Makes Game Entry Easier

Warhammer Underworlds is ever-increasing in terms of popularity, as it provides a unique combination of fast-paced action, highly-detailed miniatures and dice, and captivating lore on top of it all. Each new season brings a ton of new Warbands into the game, each with its own flavor and mechanics, allowing for a ton of replayability and tactical combinations. All in...
Warhammer Ashes of Faith Kill Team

Gnarlwood Finale and Kill Team Part of Sunday Showdown

It’s been a busy weekend in the worlds of Warhammer, as Games Workshop released a ton of content in its Sunday Showcase, with every single universe getting a spotlight. The anticipation built up for the massive 10th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 sends ripples across the Warhammer multiverse, bringing change and content everywhere. Let's dive into it, shall we? The Finale...
A diorama of Age of Sigmar Warhammer miniatures.

The Dawnbringer Crusades Bring New Content and Order to Age of Sigmar

This year’s Warhammer Fest had some interesting reveals in regards to the Age of Sigmar universe, despite the main focus being Warhammer 40,000 and the much anticipated 10th Edition, with the massive Leviathan Starter Set being the main attraction. That doesn’t mean that the Age of Sigmar was ignored by any means, as Games Workshop revealed the new Dawnbringers...