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Tag: Board Games

Ravensburger's Star Wars Villainous

Ravensburger Announces Star Wars Villainous Scum and Villainy Expansion

Star Wars Villainous, the Ravensburger game set in the popular Villainous game system, is getting a new expansion. The announcement celebrated May 4, the international day of Star Wars. The new extension of the base game will now introduce the Scum and Villainy expansion, the first for this particular series, that introduces the character of Boba Fett, the original Mandalorian in the franchise...
The different versions of Risk, the board game.

Best Risk Board Games

The original risk board game goes back to 1959 when it was designed by Albert Lamorisse and Michael I. Levin. To this very day, new versions of Risk appear, old ones are remastered, and the classic is revamped to better reflect changing player preferences. What remains the same is the game’s cult status as one of the best war games...
WizKids and Ascending Empires: Zenith Edition

WizKids Brings out Ascending Empires: Zenith Edition in September

One of the best 4X board games of all time, Ascending Empires, is returning with Ascending Empires: Zenith Edition confirmed for release by WizKids in September 2023. The sci-fi-themed empire-building board game is one of the best in its genre and it will be coming with a revamped look and crispy freshness. Ascending Empires Introduces Solo Mode, New Rules, and More In Ascending...
Pawns and dice in a board game.

Game Designer Nick Bentley Asks – Why, Oh Why, Don’t You Like Board Games

The President of Underdog Games Studio Nick Bentley is out on a mission - to find out why exactly people dislike board games, or the hobby altogether. As a prominent game designer, this topic is of great interest to him and he has done quite a bit of research, gathering some very interesting data over the years. His main...
The ten most successful board game Kickstarters.

Best Kickstarter Board Games

Kickstarter has become one of the best ways to bring quality products to market. From the early days with games such as Zombicide ploughing the course, to the pinnacle of all campaigns, with Frosthaven raising massive backing, the true potential of crowdfunding in the tabletop hobby is not fully explored. Today, we take a look at the most funded Kickstarter...
Halloween: The Board Game by Trick or Treat Studios.

Halloween: The Board Game Pays Homage to 1978 Horror Movie

Video games have been adapted into a number of board games recently, from Monster Hunter: Iceborne to Call of Duty, to Apex Legends, to Assassin’s Creed to frankly more games that we have the time to list here. Now, a new medium is crossing the veil with the tabletop hobby with the popular 1978 horror movie, Halloween, and its timeless...
UK Games Expo Awards 2023

The UKGE Reveals The 2023 Awards Shortlist and Is to Return to Full Capacity

The largest Hobby Games Convention in the UK, the UK Games Expo (UKGE), has revealed its 2023 Awards Shortlist. There are a lot of interesting titles this year, but few titles stand out - more specifically tabletop adaptations from movies and books, making them instantly recognizable for casual and hardcore gamers alike. Our readers will be quick to recognize...
Altar Quest's great game art.

Steamforged Games Adds Altar Quest to Its Roster

Steamforged Games has just upgraded its game roster, reaching a deal with Blacklist Games LLC to acquire their smash hit board game Altar Quest, along with all of its intellectual property assets. This is obviously a calculated move by Steamforged Games, as it just acquired a major competitor in the world of cooperative fantasy adventure games. Calculated Move Resulting in...
The box of the 6: Siege Board Game.

Mythic Games Ask For “Ransom Money” to Finish Rainbow Six: Siege Board Game

The much anticipated Rainbow Six: Siege Board Game is in huge trouble. So much so that in a recent Kickstarter update, the game's publisher Mythic Games asked for additional money, dubbed "an additional contribution", in order to continue with the game's production. This update was received extremely negatively by fans, with some calling it "asking for ransom money" or...
OOMM Games' new games.

OOMM Games Launch a New Studio, Aiming for Greater Heights

Successful board games company OOMM Games (short for Out Of My Mind Games) recently announced the launch of a big new project named Open Owl Studios - a new studio that will focus on developing large-scale world-building games, with a prime focus on the co-op experience and immersion. OOMM Games has also launched an official announcement trailer for the...