Home Authors Posts by Krasen Gechev

Krasen Gechev

Krasen Gechev
A self-proclaimed warrior-poet, Krasen is a man of many hobbies – ranging from combat sports training, LARPing, to writing poetry. One of those many hobbies happens to be board games. Be it with a fist, pen, sword or keyboard – he aims to be just, merciless and effective.
Ticket to Ride, board game components and map.

Days of Wonder’s Ticket to Ride Has an Instant Lottery Game With a $50,000...

The British Columbia Lottery Corporation has announced the launch of a brand-new instant lottery game based on Days of Wonder’s critically acclaimed board game Ticket to Ride. The top prize was revealed to be for the massive amount of $50,000. The British Columbia Lottery Corporation made the announcement this Monday, and it got a lot of traction online, hyping...
Cephalofair Games Second Edition cover.

Cephalofair Games Reveals Gloomhaven: Second Edition

Cephalofair Games are on a roll as of late with the announcement of Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game’s Launch party and its 600-miniature set, and now, the addition of Gloomhaven: Second Edition. Both products will be available on BackerKit come June 20, when the campaign officially launches. Gloomhaven: Second Edition will essentially be an updated and improved version of the...
Warhammer 40K miniatures.

Warhammer 40,000 Core Rules Book Leaked Online

With the upcoming release of Warhammer 40,000’s 10th Edition, which was announced for June 2023, the internet is buzzing more than ever before. And as the “simplified, not simple” times loom ever closer, it was only a matter of time before the leaks started appearing. It’s important to note, however, that while we’re about to cover a major one,...
MEtal Gear Solid: The Board Games' preview of components, book and game box.

Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game Is Making a Big Return

Metal Gear Solid fans have a lot to be excited about (again), as the long-anticipated Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game will be making a return under a new publisher. Two years after being abruptly canceled by IDW in 2020, after several complications and delays, CMON has announced that pre-orders for Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game are very...
Alderac Entertainment Group

Alderac’s Ryan Dancey Apologies to Elizabeth Hargrave over Comment on Women in Game Design

Elizabeth Hargrave’s recent Twitter post highlighted the gender gap issues within the board games community, most notably the lack of female designer presence. We agreed that she has a solid point, and we support her stance that the community suffers because of that. A strong point and opinion like this, especially from an esteemed board game designer like herself,...
Elizabeth Hargrave at GenCon 2019.

Elizabeth Hargrave Takes on Gender Gap in Game Design Inspired by SdJ Data

Elizabeth Hargrave, the game designer behind the critically acclaimed board game titles Wingspan, Tussie Mussie, Mariposas, The Fox Experiment, and Undergrove, has posted critical data for the German board and card game award Spiel des Jahres via Twitter. The data collected showed the vast gap between male and female nominees of certain Spiel des Jahres categories, displayed on pipeline...
Jesse Anderson's Quackalope video.

Quackalope Issues Apology, Doubles Down on Ethical and Content Standards

Several days ago, a controversy involving Quackalope exchange with Into the Unknown, the publisher and developer of Aeon Trespass: Odyssey, was brought to the attention of fans. A comment by the studio left on the Kickstarter page for the game suggested some implied unpleasantness between the YouTuber and the company. Soon after, a BoardGameGeek forum thread appeared. Since then, Quackalope...
Steamforged Games' Monster Hunter World Iceborn board game.

Monster Hunter World Iceborne: The Board Game Surpasses $1,000,000 in Crowdfunding

Steamforged Games has made another successful Kickstarter campaign - their latest Kickstarter project, the follow-up to their highly successful Monster Hunter World: The Board Game has already surpassed the mind-blowing $1,000,000 (as of writing this article) in crowdfunding in just two days since the campaign launched on May 18. Appropriately named Monster Hunter World Iceborne: The Board Game, this time...
Aeon's Trespass: Odyssey

Quackalope Allegedly “Blackmails” Developer to Backtrack Negative Review

A controversy involving one of the biggest YouTube board games channels and a board games publisher has had fans worked up over the way communicaton was handled and the perceived meaning of the interaction. Into the Unknown, the board game developers behind Aeon Trespass: Odyssey have accused Quackalope, a YouTube channel known for board game reviews, of trying to...
Dead Cells upcoming board game by Scorpion Masqué.

Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game Is About to Surpass $500,000 in Funding

In another Kickstarter success story, Canadian board game studio Le Scorpion Masqué’s latest project Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game is about to break the $500,000 mark on Kickstarter, smashing through the $37,136 goal with ease nearly fourteen times over. Naturally, this has prompted several posts on Kickstarter, some of which contained surprising reveals. There have been a total of...