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Wonderbow Games, KELP copy.

Wonderbow’s Kelp Counterfeit Copies Flood the Market

Wonderbow Games has recently become a victim of huckstery on a grand scale, with their up-and-coming board game Kelp reportedly being sold online, despite the fact the game won’t be released until October 2024. Naturally, this has prompted a response from Wonderbow owners Laia Gonzalez and Sönke Schmidt, who addressed the situation on their recently ended (and very successful)...
Disney Lorcana's TCG

Gen Con 2023 Reports $300,000 Worth of TCG Stolen

Two thieves have been caught on camera spirting away with a pallet containing more than $300,000 worth of trading card games in the hours before Gen Con 2023 got underway on August 2. The pair was caught by security cameras and have not been identified as of the time of writing. Meanwhile, Ravensburger, the publisher of Disney Lorcana TCG, has...