343 Industries and Halo Infinite wargame.
Image: 343 Industries

343 Industries has already made its cinematic debut with the Halo TV series, and the company is now doubling down by launching the franchise into the attractive medium of board games, specifically, miniatures wargames. This is correct.

Halo Miniature Wargame Is Coming to the Tabletop Near You

Halo is coming to the tabletop as the franchise is making a play for the exciting and potentially lucrative vertical through a collaboration with Mantic Games, a studio behind such excellent games as Kings of War, The Walking Dead All Out War, and others.

An official press release shared with fans has revealed some of the details about the upcoming games, confirming the use of Spartans and 40-millimetre figures, along with super-soldiers, armored vehicles, and more. The models will be larger than other products on the market, including Warhammer 40K’s by this token.

Mantic Games has described the game as a “team combat game experience” which will thread a fine line between dedicated wargamers, but also outsiders who may be compelled to try this new vertical because of their familiarity and affinity for the franchise. Commenting on this release, Mantic CEO Ronnie Renton welcomed the opportunity to see the game come to life in this new medium.

“Having a firefight play out on the table while moving Spartans in and out of cover connects players to the action in a new and special way,” Renton added. The good news is that the game is jumping straight into retail which is great news for players who may get a game that is focused on accessible gameplay and more importantly a good stock of minis.

Yet, there are many questions to be answered, such as the rules, the exact nature of the game, and what figures are coming in along with the title, as well as what boxed sets there may be. Mantic Games has promised to reveal more details in March, and we are all definitely excited about the opportunity.

The Scale of the Game Will Be Among the Most Looked Forward Aspects

Although there is no confirmation just yet, seeing another system like Warhammer 40K that streamlines some of its arguable deficiencies may prove a hit, but the market is not an easy – or forgiving one. Price ranges and player bases are two crucial aspects of making a miniatures game work.

What route this new Halo skirmish game will choose will depend a lot on the preview in March. Then again, many skirmish games are smaller scale and have had a good level of recognition and success. Shatterpoint by Atomic Mass Games is a good example. Either way, the Halo franchise is brimming with potential.

Stoyan Todorov

Stoyan entered the hobby over seven years ago and his collection has been growing at a pace his spouse has described as “concerning.” Willing to push the boundaries of the connubial bliss to its extremes, Stoyan is here to bring you the latest updates and developments from the world of board games.

Stoyan Todorov
Stoyan entered the hobby over seven years ago and his collection has been growing at a pace his spouse has described as “concerning.” Willing to push the boundaries of the connubial bliss to its extremes, Stoyan is here to bring you the latest updates and developments from the world of board games.