Black Friday's 2023 cover box.
Image: 2F-Spiele

You may know Friedmann Friese or, as is the curse of our hobby, you may be better familiar with his excellent games, among which Power Grid, Famiglia, Fabled Fruit, and Friday, among many others. Now, Friese is going back to basics with a new version of the 2010 classic Black Friday, a game about stock market manipulation and trading and trying to get rich and quit before the big market crash occurs.

Sell Your Stock Just Before the Big Market Crash

A new game by 2F-Spiele has been confirmed for 2023, with the game promising to be a completely revised and updated version of the original which was released 13 years ago. The new game features a minimally intelligent broker service, the M.I.B.S., which appears to be the sole mode for the game, but it may also interact with more players at the same time to pad out the gameplay.

The new game is designed for 2-5 players and plays over 45-60 minutes, fit for ages 12+, mostly in line with the original. Although the new game is billed as an improved version, no specific details of what those improvements would be just yet.

Players will be caught in the same game of cat-and-mouse in which they will try to manipulate the market developments and share prices so that they acquire the most gold, which is the designated victory currency on Black Friday.

Although the details about the new game are fairly scarce as of right now, the original game was seeking to simulate the nature of stock trading, with players able to buy and sell their assets in order to generate victory points.

However, in order to make the most money and win you would need to sell at the right time in the original. Much of this design must be carried over to the new game as well, perhaps with some balancing wrinkles ironed out along the way and owing to Friese’s additional 13 years of game designing experience.

Stoyan Todorov

Stoyan entered the hobby over seven years ago and his collection has been growing at a pace his spouse has described as “concerning.” Willing to push the boundaries of the connubial bliss to its extremes, Stoyan is here to bring you the latest updates and developments from the world of board games.

Stoyan entered the hobby over seven years ago and his collection has been growing at a pace his spouse has described as “concerning.” Willing to push the boundaries of the connubial bliss to its extremes, Stoyan is here to bring you the latest updates and developments from the world of board games.