Sit Down!'s Redwood board game cover.
Image: Sit Down!

Sit Down! Games will release Christophe Raimbault’s Redwood, a new board game about nature photography. The Colt Express designer’s newest project will hit retail on October 1, with players able to scoop up the game for $64.99.

In the game, 1-4 players will take the role of, well, nature photographers who are trying to get the best shots of wildlife all over the world. Players get points for producing the best photos of plants and animals throughout five rounds of play.

Additional points will also be awarded to players that complete the additional missions handed to players via objective cards. The game is going to give you an interesting feeling when you play, as players use various plastic templates as well as choose what angle lens they are going to use.

These templates will determine the plants and animals to be photographed. The components snap into the miniatures base so that there is no accidental moving, and that players can take the best possible photo of their objective. Redwood will also come with two set of rules – one geared towards more casual players with “basic” and one that is designed to be a bit more challenging with “expert.”

The game also features both cooperative and solo variants, making sure that players can enjoy the title in virtually any setting. The game has a medium complexity rating of 2.50/5 and it is played in 45-60 minutes by players 10+. The board game Kickstarter campaign was finalized in October 2022 and raised $270,000 in pledges from 2,918 backers.

Redwood is listed as Line of Sight, Movement Template and Set Collection in terms of mechanics and is illustrated by Edu Valls, known for his art for Terminus, Bitoku, and Block and Key.

Stoyan Todorov

Stoyan entered the hobby over seven years ago and his collection has been growing at a pace his spouse has described as “concerning.” Willing to push the boundaries of the connubial bliss to its extremes, Stoyan is here to bring you the latest updates and developments from the world of board games.

Stoyan Todorov
Stoyan entered the hobby over seven years ago and his collection has been growing at a pace his spouse has described as “concerning.” Willing to push the boundaries of the connubial bliss to its extremes, Stoyan is here to bring you the latest updates and developments from the world of board games.