CoraQuest's upcoming expansion on Kickstarter.
Image Source: CoraQuest

The father-daughter designer duo of Dan and Cora Hughes and the creators of “CoraQuest” seem to enjoy designing board games and getting in touch with their community so much they are about to do it again. This time, it’s the launch of “CoraQuest: Keep on Questing” that will bring fans a fresh expansion to enjoy!

CoraQuest’s New Expansion: Details and Announcement Video

Dan and Cora announced the expansion themselves on July 21 via the official YouTube channel of “CoraQuest,” where it was revealed it is set to launch on Kickstarter sometime in October, even though an exact date has not yet been announced. The game will be published by Bright Eye Games, the same UK studio behind the core game.

Keeping true to the CoraQuest tradition, the dynamic duo is getting children involved with the design of the game, accepting pitches from the young audience. Through a simple art submission form on the game’s official website, you too can have your art be a part of the game. You can draw a new hero, or a monster – anything your wild imagination can conjure. Then, your little artist’s creation will be interpreted to fit the overall theme of the game by their “chief color-in”, Gary King.

What Can We Expect to Get from the New Expansion?

“CoraQuest: Keep on Questing” will best appeal to children, ages 6 and above. This doesn’t mean adults won’t have a blast playing with them, judging by the success of the original game and the enormously positive feedback. Being a child and family-friendly game, “CoraQuest” will not have any new mechanics involved, so Kickstarter backers can start questing immediately after the game arrives.

The expansion promises tons of new enemies, heroes, treasure and dungeon cards, as well as many new “Environments” to the core game, which will undoubtedly bring tons of new content and replayability. Not to mention the two full campaigns included in the expansion – “The Curse of Hoodez” and “A Spotter’s Guide to the Dungeon”. Each campaign comes with five whole new adventures, making them a total of ten.

What is even more exciting is the possibility for players to write their own adventures, which will most certainly spark the creative side of any little adventurer playing it (and the not-so-little adventurers as well)! But what I find the most exciting is the brand new possibility to make the base game adventures into a campaign, much like a legacy game.

All in all, “CoraQuest: Keep on Questing” is an expansion title worth keeping an eye on, especially if you have your own little adventurer you can play it with.

Krasen Gechev

A self-proclaimed warrior-poet, Krasen is a man of many hobbies – ranging from combat sports training, LARPing, to writing poetry. One of those many hobbies happens to be board games. Be it with a fist, pen, sword or keyboard – he aims to be just, merciless and effective.

Krasen Gechev
A self-proclaimed warrior-poet, Krasen is a man of many hobbies – ranging from combat sports training, LARPing, to writing poetry. One of those many hobbies happens to be board games. Be it with a fist, pen, sword or keyboard – he aims to be just, merciless and effective.